Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pedestrians Prohibited

This is the sign I saw down in San Bruno, just before my goofy interview with the self-involved yuppies of YouTube. Are there any two words that better describe life in the good ole US of A? I was trying to walk off a case of nerves and jitters about a half hour before my interrogation, and also scouting out the area a bit. I suppose this part of the Bay Area would indeed be perfect for those commuting in their angry, boxy cars. There is an impersonal ‘shopping plaza’ located right near the offices of YouTube. I walked a circle all around it, skirting the edges of the highway. The sidewalk narrowed at some point, to a dead end, where the ‘Pedestrians Prohibited’ sign was ominously planted. In other words, “get out of the way, you miserable little worm, or you will be run over by the almighty automobile, and you will have deserved it!” I shrugged my shoulders and walked the other way, towards the awful fumes emanating from the sad little eateries dotting the plaza. I think Americans should name these plazas ‘auto marts.’ They do in Italy, actually. They were called ‘Autogrill’ and were pretty impressive structures, towering high and mighty above the freeway, as if the Italians were saying ‘good food rules here, not cars!’ I absolutely looked forward to the tasty grilled panini they sold at these establishments. Ah, those were the days...

Having been back in the US for a good eleven years now, I am still not used to having to be so wary on my walks around the city. Of course, like any good pedestrian, I wait for the lights before crossing. That goes without saying. I know drivers must be frustrated in my hood, ‘The Loin’ as it’s affectionately called. The bums just venture out onto the street as if it were their very own living room. I imagine that would indeed be nerve-wracking. But more often than not, some red-faced driver is there, boiling at the collar because I don’t ‘sprint’ to the finish at the other side of the crosswalk. Actually, if someone is in constant 'rage' mode, would that not be a major cause of heart disease?! I walk at exactly the average human speed of 3.2 miles per hour, thanks very much. And that is the speed at which I will cross the street – no faster and no slower. So the driver can just go ahead and have his or her meltdown. We’ve all got places to go.

Is it naïve to hope that one day, pedestrian traffic and auto traffic will be completely separate, not interacting whatsoever? It sure would bring me tremendous peace of mind and ease of spirit. If drivers want to be on a constant power trip, they can race each other! Yee haw! That’s the Murkan spirit! Have your road rage. I will keep walking. It’s such a natural and normal activity, and if I understand correctly, it took our species quite a while to even evolve into a standing position so we could grab those sweet fruits in the trees and walk while we hold hands. Nice imagery, no?

This weekend my sister will pick me up in her car, so we can drive somewhere to take a walk. We might even do another historical walking tour! How about that? She now has a very efficient, modestly sized VW and takes the attitude that many Europeans do, that it is merely a way to get from point A to point B. She once had a Saturn, which ended up dented as a result of a run-in with an insane, drunk elderly woman in Daly City. Then she went on to purchase a Scion, in which she experienced a near fatal accident as a result of its notoriously piss-poor brake system. Can anyone say ‘class action lawsuit?’ Oh yeah, I forgot, the Supreme Court is right at this very moment trying to remove our rights to sue in a class action. Silly me! Why would I think the rights of citizens would ever be defended? At any rate, my sister is happy with this car. But never at any time does she use it as an excuse for her feet to never touch ground. She puts it in its right place, as we all should with material things. She certainly doesn’t worship it. I think that’s the healthy way to be. So here’s to overall good health, better muscle tone, clearer minds and better immune systems. All brought to you courtesy of that most simple of bipedal activities…. Walking!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Interview Process

So for about the past two years or so I’ve been looking for work that pays a little better and offers more hours than my current gig. This is of course what everyone else and their mother has been attempting for about the same amount of time. To say that it’s maddeningly frustrating is the biggest understatement of the century. But I don’t have to tell my fellow job searchers that. 

Worries and new insecurities are cropping up these days that never would have come up during other times when I was looking for work in the past. If I’ve been rejected for a position after an interview, I’ll often wonder about the little things first, like whether I should have gotten a haircut or hair color done beforehand. Oh but wait! I wasn’t… able… to… afford it! Arrgggh! Well, not much can be done about that state of affairs. At any rate, I figure I have a nice suit, and usually jewelry to wear that looks understated and appropriate for the occasion. I go over and over in my head what I must have done wrong. Was my voice too high-pitched? Was I too cheerful? Too serious? Too… myself? Not enough myself? Too casual or formal? It’s really enough to give any sane and civil person a serious mental illness. “Customer service needed in the mental department!”

Recently I went to an interview at YouTube. There are some details I won’t disclose, not out of any respect for them, but out of fear they’d sue me. Yes, they do things like that. They’re angry, deeply repressed yuppies – what do you expect? Prior to the interview, I had to do a homework they sent me that took at least a good three hours to complete. They said it should only take about two, but naturally I wanted to do a good job. Apparently this process is one that Google puts its candidates through routinely, and it owns YouTube. Since the position involved another language, I completed that portion in the other language I am fluent in besides English, which is Italian. I have to say, the questions were far from easy. Some even involved legal aspects of the department I applied to. When they finally approved my answers to all that corporate hogwash and mumbo jumbo, they invited me to an in-person interview. So I suppose that says something about my competence. Or not. You never know what will appeal to thirty-something overprivileged white dudes. And surprise! All three interviewers fell into exactly that profile. This is who works at a tech company overwhelmingly, especially here in the Bay Area. I should really know. I did work at Apple for close to three years after all. If they refuse to represent women and minorities in their ranks, which tech company will? Though my story with Apple is a whole other can of worms…

But I digress. Alas, I never did hear from Youtube after all my hard work. What could I have possibly done to not even hear a ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ from them? It’s probably not a loss, as it was only going to be a year contract anyway. Also, during a break in between the interviewers on that milky white panel, I noticed a basketball court that was part of the facility there. The wall of the court was decorated in get this – yuppie graffiti art. There was absolutely nothing graffiti-like about it. It was too perfect. From this and a few other details, I concluded I would not have fit in anyway. I am not going to pose and pretend I’m ‘all street and stuff,’ when I work at a filthy rich company. Why do that? Do they do it to look like they've got their fingers on the pulse of what seems hip? Ignorance, misappropriation and entitlement to a form of expression that never has and never will have anything to do with corporate culture? All of the above?

Why is it that so many people like me, who are educated and experienced are being reduced to zero and outright dismissed in the current climate? I understand that the pool of jobs will be smaller in a recession. Totally get that. But for a good while now, I’ve sensed a mean-spiritedness in recruiters that I’ve never seen before. I know that I’m not a zero. Many things have toyed with my mental well being of late. But I know I have worth. And it goes beyond the strictly professional. Perhaps the real issue is that these companies know deep down that they are the real zeroes in the social equation. Less and less is provided to customers by them in terms of real service, and even less is granted to any given employee at these companies as far as pay and benefits go, unless they are in top management. And what does management actually do, if anything? I need to stop blaming myself for whatever goes wrong in my interactions with these fools, and assign the zero, nil, niente, nada, naught value to the appropriate party. We all do.

Friday, April 22, 2011

We will we will TRACK you!

For those still worshiping companies like Crapple on your hands and knees, here's a question - why is it that their data collection practices don't bother you? I'd really like to know, because the very concept certainly sticks in my craw. Here we are, living out the film 'Minority Report,' and seemingly not caring. This is about as extreme as it gets. I mean sure, we don't have those creepy little tripods wondering about at random and scanning our irises, but we're pretty much there now if we're going to be honest.

Anyone who does care can read this:

A Little Too Close For Comfort...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Apple, Inc. @ 1 Infinite Poop

Oh hello, Crapple! Have I told you how very much I HATE you, lately? ;) I do, I really, really do! When I think about the way you fucked me over, you nasty, passive aggressive yuppie pigs, I just want to go to your headquarters and launch all manner of vitriol and Molotov cocktails. But I think I have something a little more subtle in mind. And at any rate, why the hell should I face any consequences beyond what you've already put me through? You deserve a good, thorough beating, but I sure as hell won't go to jail for it.

I do have a lawyer you know. Just wanted to make damn sure you understand that... Just in case you don't understand this whole free speech thing. It's all we as ordinary citizens have left in this country where basic rights are concerned, so I'm taking FULL fucking advantage.

Well I concocted a nice hex against you tonight. Oh, it's a juicy one alright. We'll see how it shakes out. I can't wait to see the results (actually, I would encourage like-minded folk to join me in helping to return this brutal korporate karma right back to its source, as we should). When it has the desired effect, it'll feel like that earthquake we had in SF today. A nice mind and body-shattering high for little ole me. I laughed maniacally when it happened, as I will when you finally get what's coming to you. Yeah, I may be nuts, and I may also be the most powerful witch/ shaman in the world. You'll never know. You're all about the bottom line and all things shallow and soulless. You'll never get it. And I don't care if you ever do, quite frankly, even though Mr. Jobs thinks he's all clued into other dimensions from the LSD power trips of his youth. He's a sick puppy, as I've said before - psychically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically. The works, basically. Any magicks practitioner worth his or her salt would know that right off the bat just looking at him.

To all the deeply evil korporations out there I will say this. Nothing is forever. Not power, not money, not tech gadgets (especially not tech gadgets). You have such a disrespect for nature and the earth, that I don't even have to perform spells against you really. Gaia will avenge herself. Of that I am certain. Nature is something you'll never, ever comprehend. Anarchists and pagans may be the only ones who understand her delicious, complex and deep Chaos. It's just like that tsunami in Japan. If we were such clever little naked apes, we would have been able to predict such events by now. But no. Instead we limp forward with a hierarchical social structure, as opposed to a more natural fractal one, and we wonder why the world is so screwed up. I hope Gaia does destroy us. We have had time to evolve, and still we understand nothing. CEOs and politicians can hide out in their bunkers for a good little orgy when the time comes, but no one will be spared. And perhaps only nature herself knows the profound ugly truth, that peace on earth means no people in the final analysis. I wish for a deep peace and regeneration for the planet. As for the human race? We've been given a fair chance, and aside from a choice few enlightened souls, all we could come up with is feudalism, slavery, korporate kulture, the police state, militarism, patriarchy and rape of the planet and each other? To hell with it all. I mean, seriously now. We sure have done everything in our power to earn a booby prize from the real powers that be as the most useless and self-destructive race in the universe... ever.

PS, Crapple. I almost forgot. A little nature lesson for you. Jaguar spirit is not on your side, not by a long shot, even though you name every damn one of your operating system upgrades after a different manifestation of her. What's next? Panther? Shame on you. Really. If only she knew, she'd finish you off right quick, like the poor fellow in that scene from Apocalypto... Seriously, you're worse than those military fucktards stealing the name 'Apache' for their brutish machines. Yeah, I'm sure the Apache are thrilled to bits about that one. Why can't you just name the different versions 'Soul-sucker 1.0, 2.0,' etc.? At least be honest for a change, eh? I guess in the end, most Americans could care less about such disgusting and tasteless marketing tactics, so they just jump in that new Jeep 'Cherokee' and ride off into the sunset oblivious, like the bloody awful rednecks they truly are.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love to Michael Moore! Calling ABC out on 'Permalancers'

Thank God for Michael! Very few people have the balls these days to call out corporations on their extreme abuses and total disregard of the most basic of employee rights. The scary thing is, the government no longer looks at any of these abuses as being much of a big deal. That's a very dark development, if you dare think about it. What's next? Labor camps?! Hey Obama... thanks for nothing mate. For fuck's sake man, the government very nearly averted a total shutdown recently, and all because corporations refuse to pay taxes. But hey, I'm sure that will all be fixed when Obama sits down to another fancy luncheon with the Chamber of Commerce. He's a smooth talker alright, but never for the people who elected him.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stockbrokers! You are MOST HATED! Hahahahaha! Congratulations, losers!

I found a wonderful post on 'Best of Craigslist' today:

Wonderful for its sheer lack of political correctness!

Here's the best bit:

"I especially hate stockbrokers, you disgusting bottomfeeding date rapists extraordinaire. I loathe your cheesy attitudes, your raging coke addictions and your Madonna Whore Complexes. You're dying to fuck ME, Little Miss Princess of the Working Class but you'd NEVER haul my ass out to the Hamptons, would you??? No, I'm just your local bartender pouring drinks down your fucking fat necks and taking your hoping-for-sex tips. Fuck you. We ALL fucking hate your asses."

Fanfrickintastic! I love it! Is there anything more true today? Just watch the documentary 'Inside Job,' and it all becomes even more clear. There's a lengthy bit dedicated to the coke and prostitute addictions of Wall Street execs. Thank God someone was brave enough to just say it as it is. We need more of that to be sure. Oh and by the way, the only place for CEOs and their ilk in my opinion, is in a landfill. Bite me, fuckers!