Korporate Corruption in the Press

Korporations have so many protections in place now, and much of that is thanks to the supreme evil that is our Supreme Court. If we do not take time to inform ourselves as to how the elites are looking out for each other and raining death and destruction on us, then we are asking for much more of the same.

Favorite quote from this one - "After all, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." - Jim Hightower 

My guess as to why the Obama administration has had so very little to say about the Egyptian protest? In no way would it want to encourage similar behavior in the American public. Hey, go have a Coke! Buy an iPod! Then you'll feel better!

Well this one is self explanatory. What a mess.

Hey, PAY UP, fat cats!

"Flexible Starvation" 

The korporation = biggest threat to our democracy. Simple! 

This one includes a video that is pretty basic with its message. However, since korporations really do pose a real and direct threat to our democracy at this point, any message detailing their evil plans (and evil history) is most welcome. Of course, if it were up to me, this simple little cartoon would have ended with some simple CEO beheadings, but that's just me :D

Michael Moore on GRITtv 

Aww, is the shine coming off a bit now, Crapple? :) 

Really, you gotta love Umberto Eco's metaphor here. 

If we don't get that 'fighter,' we're pretty much screwed...

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