Saturday, December 31, 2011

SB 459!!!!!!! Mofos!!!!!!!!

Ah, how sweet. Thanks to finally having a level-headed, sane governor at the helm of this, our Golden State, some legislation is being passed that will benefit the common person. One is that employers can no longer check the credit reports of job applicants. Do I hear a huge sigh of relief from the 99%? It sure made me smile today.

But it's SB 459 that had me glowing with radiant joy. There's a small possibility that thanks to this particular piece of legislation, I will no longer be regarded as some nut job for going on about Apple's fondness for Permatemps. We, the faux indie workers, should have bitten the apple, and torn off the same lusty piece being served up to 'regular' employees, but Crapple devoured us before we even knew what was going on exactly. When I finally did find out that my rights were being swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten, this blog happened.

Now, make no mistake. We're talking about the most arrogant corporation on the planet. They have a legion of lawyers at the ready, after all. So they may well pull a Dick Cheney on this wee bit of lovely legislation and just snarl at it, then get back to raping the planet, their customers, their sweatshop workers in China and their Permalancers here at home. But then again... maybe this time they will start on a long-drawn-out losing streak. One can only hope. Their snazzy spell may at last be broken with bad press that they continue to abuse workers in spite of new employment laws. It could happen. Their leader is long gone, so at least they no longer have the fancy showman to peddle their wares and phony faux hippie philosophy. Anything is possible. No one is immune from chaos, or the long arm of the law. Not even Apple. I'll be thrilled to be there when it finally disappears over the event horizon, never to be seen again. And yes, it is an 'IT,' not a person. GOT IT?! Goody goody.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh come on now!!!! Not even a 'yay' or 'nay?!!!'

It's a shame that I have to do this, but I am going to go ahead and name the companies that did not extend the courtesy of a 'yes' or 'no' answer as to whether I'd gotten the job or not. This after I interviewed with them for about 3 or four hours, and on top of that, had to do a stupid little piece of homework before even getting there. And guess which industry both companies were in? Ah, yes, you got it - tech companies. Those yuppie shits would not know the first thing about common decency or basic civility 101 if you threw a hot latte at their heads to remind them.

Now the good news is that out of countless interviews, only two companies won my award for #1 in Assholery as far as the above is concerned. One was YouTube, the headquarters of fucked-up yuppie twits, and the other was a shitty little casual games start-up called 'iWin.' No, sorry, you lose. Especially if anyone decides not to bother applying to work for your dumbass enterprise or purchase your crappy little games after reading this. My advice is that you at least pretend to be nice for now, considering you are still pre-IPO, motherfuckers. Oh yeah, and there was that lawsuit filed against you by Big Fish Games (see, I do my homework). It sounds like they are very much in the right too, so don't go buying those chinchilla undies just yet ;)

The sad thing is, I followed the correct protocols where interviewing as a candidate is concerned. I showed up 15 minutes early, was polite to all involved in the process, sent a thank you note and brief, appropriate follow-up messages (without stalking anyone, as some people may understandably do in a Depression). So yes, I do feel that their not following up with me at all after a very long interview was indeed the height of rudeness. Yes, even in a Recession/ Depression. I can't begin to describe the pointlessness of the homeworks they made me do pre-interview either. What? Were they trying to assess whether I was a rational human versus an ape? My resume was not enough? I just don't remember encountering such steaming piles of condescension when applying to jobs in the past.

Oh, and here's the kicker with the iWin interview. The very obnoxious security guards in the lobby sneered at me before I could even get to the office at which I was supposed to interview, and announced in rather belligerent fashion that 'I was not on the list.' Excuse me?!!! Yes, I'm sure I looked like a real terror threat, with my unassuming smile, freshly pressed suit and new briefcase (well, fairly new). You just know the economy is in the shitter when security guards feel they have one over on you. I hope your pathetic egos enjoyed that trip, you ASSHOLES.

And a fair warning. I will keep reporting on companies that pull unnecessary, mean-spirited crap like this. There's just no excuse for it. Surely even in developing countries, qualified interview candidates are treated better.

Here's an account of my interview with PooTube, if anyone cares to check it out:

Yuppie graffiti - 'nuff said

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cutting Decent Folk Some Slack

Today Jerry Brown will likely sign a bill banning employers from running credit checks on job applicants. Not surprisingly, headhunting firms and the like got right on it, because this is going to be seen as a strike against their corporate clients. And of course the news first appeared on their sites. But it is there nonetheless:

Some breathing room for us 'little people!'

Further information on this bill

Suffice it to say, this makes me feel a little better about living in California, though this legislation had been in place in other states for quite a while. Now if you've come to the end of your tether, and perhaps had to file bankruptcy to have a shot at a new start, you will not be penalized for it by potential employers. It feels like the boot is finally lifting off the necks off the 99%, if only by an inch. The 1% are not going to get away completely with threatening our well-being and livelihoods. Dare I say there's hope?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is death like an LSD trip in India, Steve?

Aww, I'm sorry Steve. I just can't bring myself to weep over your demise (see my recent post on sentimentality). I'm mildly curious as to where you went, as most of us who have even a vague belief in the afterlife might be. Atheists who are none too fond of you might say you made a spectacular waste of this life, consumed as it was in pure arrogance and competitiveness. You tinkered with monkey gadgets and sneered at people, is the way I would sum it up. Kinda like Dick Cheney, except he tinkered with a puppet and lamentably, is still very much alive, albeit without a pulse.

Whatever anyone believes, why can't we see every death as being a loss?! I happen to think that every life has value. Yes, even that of an executive, unfortunately. We're such a creepy society, really. We mourn the deaths of celebrities and CEOs, but only rarely note the passing of philanthropists, nurses, teachers or scientists. Perhaps those who devote their lives in service to others make us feel a bit shitty about ourselves. That would be my guess. It's easier to be blinded by glitz and flash, and to make that your aspiration, than to sweat it out in very unglamorous fashion and do something truly worthwhile for the greater good.

It was my impression that Steve thought he was pretty fucking fantastic. So his mega-galactic ego really did not, and still does not, require massaging. But of course the press got on it right away, waxing poetic about him having been a brilliant visionary, a genius, leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of us and just generally a god. Ho hum. If he was a visionary, then I'm Mother Teresa. I hope that somewhere out there in the hereafter, she's kicking the crap out of his viciously selfish butt, and he "will be in the corner shitting in his forceful, dynamic pants," as Valerie Solanas put it. Well, maybe he'll be given a shot in another life, if the powers that be even deem granting such a privilege appropriate or worth the bother... or perhaps they will administer the Voight-Kampff test of Blade Runner fame, which he will of course fail miserably.

Sentimentality is for the very comfortable and sheltered... or the sometimes insufferable banality of sentimentality

These are tough times, and I'm sure I am not the only one who cried into my soup (from the soup kitchen) when everything went to hell in the crash of 2008. But somehow I survived and am still surviving, if only by the skin of my teeth, and I find myself a lot less prone to melting into a sobbing mess. One thing that helps prevent such is that I now have developed dry eye, for whatever reason. No chance I will get to the doctor any time soon to have it checked out of course, as I now face the ugly compromise of having to choose food over medicine.

I have also been seriously evaluating who I really want to hang out with these days. It used to be I felt that anyone who cried at a Pixar film was at worst, sort of oddly endearing. Hmm. Not so now. There are things happening right now that are so dark, so surreal, as to defy logic. And someone who cries over a Pixar marketing campaign won't be able to help society at large with any of these recent developments. It is not at all mysterious actually, this sudden hatred I have developed for Pixar, and all things yuppie. An Apple brat getting the wrong flavor latte at Starbucks is not something we should be terribly concerned about either, obviously.

There is a place for sensitivity, of course. I'm not an unfeeling drone. And certainly, I'm not saying that anyone needs to be some tobacco-spittin' cowboy/girl type character. But we have to be really careful right now and do our best to differentiate between the superficial reactions of a touchy ego to our current reality, and what we really feel in our gut. It's the latter that affects change. Bitchy, whiny egos can air insignificant grievances and drama ad infinitum, but they never accomplish a damn thing. We have to choose who we look up to very carefully as well. It's no longer the flashy CEO, smooth politician or weepy Emo yuppie, hopefully. It is certainly not the 'faux sensitive' man who is really just putting on said act to get into the pants of his latest crush. Well that's one pathetic example, and I've known similar characters in real life, unfortunately.

I think my point is that ego, superficiality, flattery and fakery are the very traits and flaws that got us all into this mess in the first place. Right now, real comfort to me is hanging out with those who say it like it is, and never flinch from a direct approach. No, it doesn't always feel good. But do we all want a fake sense of stability, or do we want the real thing? If we want to live in an authentic manner, we have to fight for it, and not have withdrawal symptoms when we are not being served a steady diet of fluff and corporate cotton candy. Yuppies can sit at Starbucks, crying into their lattes. The real heroes right now are the youth occupying Wall Street, because they know they have the most to lose. They are staring the enemy straight in the eye, not feeling sorry for themselves for one minute. The direct approach is confrontational, ugly, even brutal sometimes. But it really seems to be the only way to save ourselves right now. Who will you stand with? What qualities would you rather embody? Better decide now. It's coming down to the crunch. For my part, I say "bite me, Hallmark bitches." And for those who get all weepy over movies like 'Cars' or 'Finding Nemo,' I'm sure you'll be glad to know that Hallmark has now come out with a new card line of pleasantly weak platitudes for those who have lost their jobs. I'm sorry, but I'd just have to shoot anyone who handed me a card like that out of faux-sympathy...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gotta Love The Yes Men

Something tells me I'm going to want to check out this game on someone's Android phone, as Apple of course banned it immediately upon its being submitted. Why so sensitive, Crapple? The Yes Men got your tongue? Anyway, check this out:

Only Politically Correct Apps Need Apply

Also, I highly recommend these for a good laugh. It's always fun to see the tables turned:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Um, don't hold your breath, people!

Apple and philanthropy go together like... oil and vinegar, love and marriage, porn and evangelical Christians. Add your analogy here __________. Why are people fool enough to think that a company fronted by none other than the insanely egomaniacal Mr. Jobs for so long would so much as touch a charitable effort with a ten-foot pole?! Really, I wonder if I'll ever reach the hearts of the sheeple on all matters Crapple. It's in their own best interests to stop supporting that beast.

Well, here's the article if any of the sheeple decide they may change their minds and refrain from buying another iPad for their cat or bratty kids to play with:

Crapple Is to Charity What Steve Is to Personability...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yeah, Steve, we're really going to miss you. That sharp, jutting chin and smug mug. The angry, beady little eyes. That raging anti-social personality disorder. The black turtleneck 'n' jeans getup. Your total lack of concern for the abundant abuses against workers and customers perpetrated by the korporation you headed for so long. No, we will not miss your keynotes. At least those of us who were not and never will be lemmings. Link here:

Goodbye and good luck, you miserable bastard

You know, it's interesting. When Apple got rid of you the first time (or you left, or who the hell knows what really happened there), you started your own little enterprise, called NeXT. You phoned my Mom when we lived in Italy, almost desperate for her help in getting said enterprise off the ground. She's an accomplished musician, which was even more reason for you to want her on-board, music apparently being a big part of the project. Basically she laughed you off, thinking it was merely another sad start-up. For the most part, she was right. And no, she's not kicking herself today for having declined. I think like most people, she's a lot better off not having had to deal with Crapple's sick, sick mind games.

Oh, but not me. I was fool enough to have signed on with Crapple as a contractor, not having the slightest idea as to the abusive situation I was in for. How was I to know that I would put in almost three years as a Permatemp slave with no benefits?!! A creepy Crapple manager made sure I knew, in no uncertain terms and in a very threatening tone, that 'I didn't work there.' This after I quite understandably inquired as to whether I would ever be hired. Now I did not ask because I was in awe of Crapple or anything as silly as that. No, I was seeking my dues after having done a most excellent job for years on end, with little appreciation. The rest of the miserable story is to be found in this blog, if anyone cares. And really, I think you should, as Apple is now also denying its retail workers benefits. Yes, even those who work there 40 hours a week. You should all be very concerned, if you've any common sense at all. Some will argue with me that these policies, and mark my words, they are policies, could not possibly have come from the top. Steve has too many other important things occupying his brilliant mind! But I know different. I know that at best, he's a control freak. So I can say with a good degree of confidence that he was responsible for many of these abusive policies, from the sweatshops abroad, to the Permatemp issue in the US, to Crapple's unwillingness to pay its fair share in taxes, to the banishment of donuts from Café Macs. Oh, you never heard that? He seemed to think that donuts were more evil than him, for some reason, and that his health issues would be resolved if he refrained from indulging. That's not even the wackiest of his many hang-ups. 

No one will be crying for you Steve. Not anyone I know, anyway. Alas, not even my Mom will shed a tear for you, though for some reason she's still a fan of your overly marked-up, shiny turd product. You will go to your grave having been a viciously selfish, brutal and dictatorial human being. It won't be long before your demise now. So I'd really suggest you do something to redeem yourself, whether you believe in God or not. Maybe send a letter of apology to the families of those who were worked to death as sweatshop slaves by Foxconn in China, which we all know now to be a major manufacturer of Crapple's wares. About twenty of those workers despaired so much of the conditions they found themselves in, they finally took the ultimate escape. So yeah, an apology would be a start. You see, I don't care how 'clever' you actually are or that a few fanboys see you as a genius. What I see in you is a pure manifestation of the 'monkey mind,' and no, that's no bloody compliment. It's the lowest way for a human to be in the world, if you ask me. Because to be clever, minus the moral compass means nothing at all. At least to my mind and those in my immediate circle. And I'd be willing to bet good money that many others feel that way. We are social beings after all (well, most of us, anyway) and it is those with a social conscience we respect and admire most. At the end of the day, it really is character that counts. Hell, you could have invented a teleporter to the furthest habitable planet, but I still would remain unimpressed. I hear that Hitler was a pretty clever monkey too - though I don't know of any fans, aside from perhaps a few similarly sick, kindred souls. Invent what you want, head korporation X, Y or Z. If you're a sick fuck, I don't want to know you. It's really very simple. And my mother, God bless her heart, never had to be anywhere in the vicinity of your awful, dark energy/ aura, what have you. Call it what you like. I had the misfortune of having to sit near you at Café Macs. I'm still scrubbing my aura clean today...

Goodbye Steve, you will absolutely not be missed. Have fun in a hell dimension with other monkey minds/ anti-social fuckheads somewhere. I'm pretty darn sure that's where you're headed, dude. You'll be lucky if that's the worst punishment you get.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Iron Gates for the People

August 15th, 2011

This was a Monday of utter madness. There was a quite understandable protest underway at 5pm, and Bart and Muni were shut down in an attempt to quell this planned protest. Previously on August 11th, Bart officials had actually shut down cell phone service to disrupt a protest over Charles Hill, a homeless man who had been shot and killed by Bart police in San Francisco on July 3rd.

So the protest today was to do with cell phone service being shut down. If I understand correctly, it was mostly organized by the group 'Anonymous,' which also shut down parts of Bart's website. They are now known as quite the hacktivists. The iron gates came down in four Bart stations downtown, and frustrated people flooded the streets. 'Ghetto birds' whirled overhead for at least an hour. I saw a few of the peaceful protesters walking down Market Street, hardly raising their voices at all, yet being trailed by at least 30 police officers in riot gear. This is where the fear hit me. If this is what the authorities do during a peaceful protest, then what during a violent one? What about the recent riots in London? I heard that at least 3,000 citizens were arrested. I doubt very much that they are seeing due process.

Authorities clearly want to do away with the last of our most basic rights as citizens and human beings, so we must protest in some form. But that's not to say it won't be terrifying. Today I felt the chokehold of authoritarian intent, and it chilled me to the bone. But I can't let it numb me or prevent me from taking some kind of action against such dark intent. No good ever comes out of an attempt to control, no matter who is making such an attempt. For those who disagree with the tactics of Anonymous, I would say that it's likely you still don't understand the harm that so-called 'higher ups' wish upon you. I am fascinated by these activists actually, and they have my admiration and respect. I saw some of them quietly chatting on their cell phones today, passing on information as to whether the objectives of the protest had been met or not. They have the right idea. We need subtle minds working for us if we are to undermine those who would have us living in a totalitarian state. 'Big Brother' can't be doing that great of a job, if so many bright, young minds have been able to see through its agenda from day one.

By the way, Anonymous, how about hacking Crapple while you're at it? Could be a fun little project, and I bet you'd learn a lot from it. As you can see from what I've written in this blog, I could give a flying fuck what happens to that monster of a corporation. Come 'round my house and I'll give you some nice vitamins, to help those brilliant hacker's brains function at the top of their game ;) Oh and lo and behold, you've been at them already! Wonderful... Keep up the good work, my darlings:

Go get 'em, Anonymous!

A wonderful response to Bart from Anonymous:

"Dear Bay Area Rapid Transit, The People and All Government Agencies, We are Anonymous, we are your citizens, we are the people, WE DO NOT TOLERATE OPPRESSION FROM ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. BART has proved multiple times that they have no problem exploiting and abusing the people. First they displayed this by the two recent killings by BART police. Under no circumstance, unless police are shot at, make police killings acceptable. Non-lethal weapons were available to use during both incidents, providing even that was necessary, but instead they shot to kill. Next they violated the people's right to assembly and prevented other bystanders from using emergency services by blocking cell phone signals in order to stop a protest against the BART police murders. Lastly, they set up this website called and they stored their members information with virtually no security. The data was stored and easily obtainable via basic sqli. Any 8 year old with a internet connection could have done what we did to find it. On top of that none of the info, including the passwords, was encrypted. It is obvious BART does no give a fuck about its customers, funders and tax payers,THE PEOPLE. The governments and government agencies of the world are becoming tyrannical and oppressive, and the people are responding and will not take your shit for much longer. The people will fight this oppression with protests, demonstrations, riots, hacking, ddos, online attacks and by any other means. We will not allow ourselves to be killed, exploited, or get shitted on. From the streets of Chile, England, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, the people are rising up and we will support each other and stand in solidarity against any injustice. Worldwide resistance is happening, we will participate in solidarity against oppression. SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON. Thus below we are releasing the User Info Database of, to show that BART doesn't give a shit about it's customers and riders and to show that the people will not allow you to kill us and censor us. This is but the one of many actions to come. We apologize to any citizen that has his information published, but you should go to BART and ask them why your information wasn't secure with them. Also do not worry, probably the only information that will be abused from this database is that of BART employees. Greetz to TeaMp0ison, lulzsec, anti-sec, anarchists, anon, bay of rage, No Justice, No BART, UA in the bay, your anon news, anonymous irc. World Wide Solidarity, "join us to make 2011 the year of leaks and revolutions."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

One more reason to love, love LOVE Prince :)

God bless that man, he hates iTunes! Of course he also apparently hates the interwebs, but I think we can give his Royal Purpleness a pass for that, and it's hardly the first eccentric thing he's said. Link here:

No love for iTunes!

It's soulful types like Prince who will save the world in the end. This, I firmly believe. I've been a fan since I was 12, actually. Crashed one of his A-list parties with my sister in San Jose (of course, he could have kicked us out and alas, did not, but that is another story...), been to every concert I could manage to get to, also with sis. And now he's announced he hates iTunes? Oh, the love just goes on and on. Thank you, brother, from the bottom of my hopeless, groupie heart. And please forgive me for posting links from the Youtubes, but I just felt I had to spread the love...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Barbara Ehrenreich, unflinching truth-teller

Just one of her most excellent writings on the continuing miserable state of the economy, and the victim-blaming that is keeping it that way. I admire her no end:

A confirmation of ugly attitudes towards the poor...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Not You! It really, really isn't...

Check out this article from Yahoo:

You know you're just a worthless, unemployed, lazy bum!

This issue has concerned me for a long, long time. I knew all about the unemployed being discriminated against, because like so many of you, I was and still am one of them. I recall having gone to an interview at a music start-up about a year after being laid off from Apple, and you know what the arrogant yuppie twit of an interviewer said?!

"Ah I see, you were laid off just when the market crashed in 2008. Interesting!"

Wow, I'm glad my life crashing down around me made such a neat little case study for him.  He's lucky he wasn't in a dark corner with me when he made that fucking smug observation...

For one thing, it's not as though this was some new revelation. I knew I'd been laid off at the worst time imaginable, and so did Apple. I know I'm not being paranoid when I say I was well aware they had it in for me. Life is not easy in the corporate world if you're not a saucy little corporate whore, and announce that you never will be, not for all the bonuses and perks in the world. But I do know that brown-nosing comes very easy to some. I worked with more than I can count. The stench got pretty bad, believe you me. The ones I knew at Apple were clearly reporting to my superiors that I was in no way alright with being Crapple's 'Permatemp bitch.' So that's likely what happened there. I hope they are enjoying the 'eau de poo' wafting 'round the office. They likely don't even notice any more. But then, that's pure unadulterated Evil for you...

For those of you who are, you know, NORMAL and not begging of someone's acceptance every damn second of the day, or willing to sell your first-born to your boss, just know that this time, it truly is not your fault. I wish there were a way to reach out to you other than this blog. For now, all I can do for the truly down-and-out is give a few measly dollars to a soup kitchen every now and then. It is specific to my neighborhood but hey, as they say, you gotta start locally.

Don't even worry if you've had to resort to doing something considered 'criminal' or socially unacceptable to survive. Do you think corporations have ever gone by the letter of the law? This is no time to apologize for wanting to LIVE! I know, in the jobs you've all held before, you generally had to ask your boss permission to even breathe, let alone have the audacity to inquire after a promotion. I've been there, believe me. You used to believe that if you elected a well-heeled and well-spoken man as President, that he'd look after your rights. He wouldn't let any entity, corporate or otherwise, step all over you and your family. But it turns out you were wrong about that too, because after you elected him and during the worst recession you can remember, it seems that every damn time you turned around, he was attending yet another fancy luncheon with the Chamber of Commerce. Sadly, we are all starting to come around to the brutal reality that there is no 'benevolent leader,' and we must at once survive this disgraceful betrayal together and map out a future in which ourselves and our loved ones not only survive, but thrive.

Just promise me something. Even if you are not actively engaged in some sort of anti-corporate or other activism, please take care of yourself and your loved ones, no matter what. Reach out to your friends who find themselves out of work as a result of this insane, inequitable, corporate cock sucking circus of a culture. It will indeed make you a better human being for having done so. Lie for them, if you have to, so they can keep that roof over their heads. Even if it means you have to pretend you worked with them in the past. You know, you've probably lied many times for your employer, an entity that after all, does not in any way possess the realness or intrinsic value of a human life. It's likely the lie was even bigger if you worked or work in sales or marketing.

I guess what I'm asking is that the remaining decent people left turn the tables on the establishment once and for all, which may seem like an overwhelming request. But I don't think it's impossible. Even a few well-meaning individuals can bring about tremendous change. Fight for what is real, and you will see illusory power structures fall, as mighty and grand an illusion as they may seem to be. Liars and cowards are actually pretty easy to defeat, once you get the hang of it. This is your time, and mine. We may be temporarily miserable, but we'll survive and we'll make sure the corporate lie is exposed once and for all, and for all to see.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh, the sheer misery of Crapple :( Will it never end?!

Look what they're doing now. I used to think that although I was treated like shit when I worked at their headquarters, that maybe, just maybe at least the retail workers were getting a fair deal, but alas, I was dead wrong:

Apple retail worker woes

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why fighting the corporate beast may just be the most difficult thing you could possibly do right now (and why you still must do it)

Ah, corporate culture, the beast we go to bed, eat and shower with every morning. That lowly thing we engage in communion with because by now it is so intricately woven into our lives, we don’t know where we begin and where it ends. Go to any blog questioning, for example the corruption of tech companies, and try as you might to be just as critical, you feel you cannot because you are typing your messages of protest in a machine sold to you at a considerable markup by one of these companies. You feel like the most primordial slime, the ultimate hypocrite. Alright, perhaps that was a bit dramatic! But you get my point. Though you do your damndest to be an ethical consumer, corporate products are simply too tied in with your very survival for you to ever mount a successful opposition. Or is that really so?

I actually have suffered greatly as a result of my own personal protest against a high tech behemoth (which you know by now is Apple) that almost seemed to go out of its way to abuse my rights as an employee. I had been misclassified as self-employed and worked for them full time for three years without benefits. I am hardly the only one hit by this awful ‘Permatemping’ phenomenon, and it is indeed a rather long story. But the end result was that because I had my say-so regarding some very basic labor rights, they laid me off; sent me packing and did not even allow me to retrieve my things from my desk. I was notified on a Sunday, and the following Monday, my personal effects were shipped to me via FedEx, mostly broken. A nerve was definitely hit there, but I paid the price. And there was a real arrogance on their part, to think that a ‘little person’ like me would just go away like a tiny kitten with its tail between its legs and have nothing further to say, or that an ‘average’ person would not have the chutzpah or the resources to fight their considerable empire and influence.

Now I have a relative who works for them under the same exact conditions. She is just as angry, but somehow has maintained her composure, perhaps out of fear she could not find another gig in this piss poor economy. Should I have done the same? Because I spoke out, I am still living like a madwoman in a rent-controlled shoebox, in a poor neighborhood. But if I had sucked up, could I have looked myself in the mirror in the morning? There is literal whoring of the body and then there is whoring of one’s very soul and convictions. The latter is the smelliest and most infernal beast by far. So I made a decision to take what little dignity I had left, and run with it. And here I am, just another poor person, but at least keeping my principles inviolate, aside from owning the machine I am now typing this entry on.

Corporations have had us in bed with them for quite a while now. They have taken that old adage, ‘Know Your Friends Well, Know Your Enemies Better’ and twisted it around so that now we are the enemy being preyed upon, while offered all kinds of ‘new and improved’ products to lure us further into the maw of the beast. This false friend knows us so very well, from our deepest lusts and cravings, to our most unspeakable fears. It puts these up to us as though in a mirror and reflects them back in the most irresistible forms, in whatever flavor or shape we desire.

Are we simply our own worst enemy? If that is the real issue at hand, this beast can indeed be slayed, but only with considerable sacrifice and detachment from our former ways. Rise up and fight it, before it morphs into a different form altogether, as it inevitably will without intervention, stealth and awareness on our part. This new master has a subtlety of mind that we must also cultivate, if we truly intend to fight the good fight. Power knows exactly what it is and how to maintain and perpetuate itself. We must also learn the same skill if we are to keep it from infiltrating our lives and undermining everything we stand for as human beings.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Apple, Inc. Tax Evader

Looks like Apple is not paying its fair share of taxes, which is hardly surprising. And it also appears that I am not the only one pissed off regarding the Permatemp issue...

Why Should Apple Pay Taxes? It's So Cool, Dude!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do You Know How the Demand for Your Toys Is Met?

My college friend in Ireland sent me a thought-provoking article today on the terrible toll the Western demand for tech gadgets is taking on Chinese workers. I have been concerned about this for a while, and can't believe that next to nothing is being done about it. The story about one worker in the industrial dormitories having to write a confession letter for just using a hair dryer is heartbreaking. We need to be aware of this and also understand that it could easily be us. Corporations don't care who they are abusing, so long as it is convenient and cost effective for them:

Unimaginable worker abuse

The Real Cost of Those 'Shiny Gadgets'

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pedestrians Prohibited

This is the sign I saw down in San Bruno, just before my goofy interview with the self-involved yuppies of YouTube. Are there any two words that better describe life in the good ole US of A? I was trying to walk off a case of nerves and jitters about a half hour before my interrogation, and also scouting out the area a bit. I suppose this part of the Bay Area would indeed be perfect for those commuting in their angry, boxy cars. There is an impersonal ‘shopping plaza’ located right near the offices of YouTube. I walked a circle all around it, skirting the edges of the highway. The sidewalk narrowed at some point, to a dead end, where the ‘Pedestrians Prohibited’ sign was ominously planted. In other words, “get out of the way, you miserable little worm, or you will be run over by the almighty automobile, and you will have deserved it!” I shrugged my shoulders and walked the other way, towards the awful fumes emanating from the sad little eateries dotting the plaza. I think Americans should name these plazas ‘auto marts.’ They do in Italy, actually. They were called ‘Autogrill’ and were pretty impressive structures, towering high and mighty above the freeway, as if the Italians were saying ‘good food rules here, not cars!’ I absolutely looked forward to the tasty grilled panini they sold at these establishments. Ah, those were the days...

Having been back in the US for a good eleven years now, I am still not used to having to be so wary on my walks around the city. Of course, like any good pedestrian, I wait for the lights before crossing. That goes without saying. I know drivers must be frustrated in my hood, ‘The Loin’ as it’s affectionately called. The bums just venture out onto the street as if it were their very own living room. I imagine that would indeed be nerve-wracking. But more often than not, some red-faced driver is there, boiling at the collar because I don’t ‘sprint’ to the finish at the other side of the crosswalk. Actually, if someone is in constant 'rage' mode, would that not be a major cause of heart disease?! I walk at exactly the average human speed of 3.2 miles per hour, thanks very much. And that is the speed at which I will cross the street – no faster and no slower. So the driver can just go ahead and have his or her meltdown. We’ve all got places to go.

Is it naïve to hope that one day, pedestrian traffic and auto traffic will be completely separate, not interacting whatsoever? It sure would bring me tremendous peace of mind and ease of spirit. If drivers want to be on a constant power trip, they can race each other! Yee haw! That’s the Murkan spirit! Have your road rage. I will keep walking. It’s such a natural and normal activity, and if I understand correctly, it took our species quite a while to even evolve into a standing position so we could grab those sweet fruits in the trees and walk while we hold hands. Nice imagery, no?

This weekend my sister will pick me up in her car, so we can drive somewhere to take a walk. We might even do another historical walking tour! How about that? She now has a very efficient, modestly sized VW and takes the attitude that many Europeans do, that it is merely a way to get from point A to point B. She once had a Saturn, which ended up dented as a result of a run-in with an insane, drunk elderly woman in Daly City. Then she went on to purchase a Scion, in which she experienced a near fatal accident as a result of its notoriously piss-poor brake system. Can anyone say ‘class action lawsuit?’ Oh yeah, I forgot, the Supreme Court is right at this very moment trying to remove our rights to sue in a class action. Silly me! Why would I think the rights of citizens would ever be defended? At any rate, my sister is happy with this car. But never at any time does she use it as an excuse for her feet to never touch ground. She puts it in its right place, as we all should with material things. She certainly doesn’t worship it. I think that’s the healthy way to be. So here’s to overall good health, better muscle tone, clearer minds and better immune systems. All brought to you courtesy of that most simple of bipedal activities…. Walking!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Interview Process

So for about the past two years or so I’ve been looking for work that pays a little better and offers more hours than my current gig. This is of course what everyone else and their mother has been attempting for about the same amount of time. To say that it’s maddeningly frustrating is the biggest understatement of the century. But I don’t have to tell my fellow job searchers that. 

Worries and new insecurities are cropping up these days that never would have come up during other times when I was looking for work in the past. If I’ve been rejected for a position after an interview, I’ll often wonder about the little things first, like whether I should have gotten a haircut or hair color done beforehand. Oh but wait! I wasn’t… able… to… afford it! Arrgggh! Well, not much can be done about that state of affairs. At any rate, I figure I have a nice suit, and usually jewelry to wear that looks understated and appropriate for the occasion. I go over and over in my head what I must have done wrong. Was my voice too high-pitched? Was I too cheerful? Too serious? Too… myself? Not enough myself? Too casual or formal? It’s really enough to give any sane and civil person a serious mental illness. “Customer service needed in the mental department!”

Recently I went to an interview at YouTube. There are some details I won’t disclose, not out of any respect for them, but out of fear they’d sue me. Yes, they do things like that. They’re angry, deeply repressed yuppies – what do you expect? Prior to the interview, I had to do a homework they sent me that took at least a good three hours to complete. They said it should only take about two, but naturally I wanted to do a good job. Apparently this process is one that Google puts its candidates through routinely, and it owns YouTube. Since the position involved another language, I completed that portion in the other language I am fluent in besides English, which is Italian. I have to say, the questions were far from easy. Some even involved legal aspects of the department I applied to. When they finally approved my answers to all that corporate hogwash and mumbo jumbo, they invited me to an in-person interview. So I suppose that says something about my competence. Or not. You never know what will appeal to thirty-something overprivileged white dudes. And surprise! All three interviewers fell into exactly that profile. This is who works at a tech company overwhelmingly, especially here in the Bay Area. I should really know. I did work at Apple for close to three years after all. If they refuse to represent women and minorities in their ranks, which tech company will? Though my story with Apple is a whole other can of worms…

But I digress. Alas, I never did hear from Youtube after all my hard work. What could I have possibly done to not even hear a ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ from them? It’s probably not a loss, as it was only going to be a year contract anyway. Also, during a break in between the interviewers on that milky white panel, I noticed a basketball court that was part of the facility there. The wall of the court was decorated in get this – yuppie graffiti art. There was absolutely nothing graffiti-like about it. It was too perfect. From this and a few other details, I concluded I would not have fit in anyway. I am not going to pose and pretend I’m ‘all street and stuff,’ when I work at a filthy rich company. Why do that? Do they do it to look like they've got their fingers on the pulse of what seems hip? Ignorance, misappropriation and entitlement to a form of expression that never has and never will have anything to do with corporate culture? All of the above?

Why is it that so many people like me, who are educated and experienced are being reduced to zero and outright dismissed in the current climate? I understand that the pool of jobs will be smaller in a recession. Totally get that. But for a good while now, I’ve sensed a mean-spiritedness in recruiters that I’ve never seen before. I know that I’m not a zero. Many things have toyed with my mental well being of late. But I know I have worth. And it goes beyond the strictly professional. Perhaps the real issue is that these companies know deep down that they are the real zeroes in the social equation. Less and less is provided to customers by them in terms of real service, and even less is granted to any given employee at these companies as far as pay and benefits go, unless they are in top management. And what does management actually do, if anything? I need to stop blaming myself for whatever goes wrong in my interactions with these fools, and assign the zero, nil, niente, nada, naught value to the appropriate party. We all do.

Friday, April 22, 2011

We will we will TRACK you!

For those still worshiping companies like Crapple on your hands and knees, here's a question - why is it that their data collection practices don't bother you? I'd really like to know, because the very concept certainly sticks in my craw. Here we are, living out the film 'Minority Report,' and seemingly not caring. This is about as extreme as it gets. I mean sure, we don't have those creepy little tripods wondering about at random and scanning our irises, but we're pretty much there now if we're going to be honest.

Anyone who does care can read this:

A Little Too Close For Comfort...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Apple, Inc. @ 1 Infinite Poop

Oh hello, Crapple! Have I told you how very much I HATE you, lately? ;) I do, I really, really do! When I think about the way you fucked me over, you nasty, passive aggressive yuppie pigs, I just want to go to your headquarters and launch all manner of vitriol and Molotov cocktails. But I think I have something a little more subtle in mind. And at any rate, why the hell should I face any consequences beyond what you've already put me through? You deserve a good, thorough beating, but I sure as hell won't go to jail for it.

I do have a lawyer you know. Just wanted to make damn sure you understand that... Just in case you don't understand this whole free speech thing. It's all we as ordinary citizens have left in this country where basic rights are concerned, so I'm taking FULL fucking advantage.

Well I concocted a nice hex against you tonight. Oh, it's a juicy one alright. We'll see how it shakes out. I can't wait to see the results (actually, I would encourage like-minded folk to join me in helping to return this brutal korporate karma right back to its source, as we should). When it has the desired effect, it'll feel like that earthquake we had in SF today. A nice mind and body-shattering high for little ole me. I laughed maniacally when it happened, as I will when you finally get what's coming to you. Yeah, I may be nuts, and I may also be the most powerful witch/ shaman in the world. You'll never know. You're all about the bottom line and all things shallow and soulless. You'll never get it. And I don't care if you ever do, quite frankly, even though Mr. Jobs thinks he's all clued into other dimensions from the LSD power trips of his youth. He's a sick puppy, as I've said before - psychically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically. The works, basically. Any magicks practitioner worth his or her salt would know that right off the bat just looking at him.

To all the deeply evil korporations out there I will say this. Nothing is forever. Not power, not money, not tech gadgets (especially not tech gadgets). You have such a disrespect for nature and the earth, that I don't even have to perform spells against you really. Gaia will avenge herself. Of that I am certain. Nature is something you'll never, ever comprehend. Anarchists and pagans may be the only ones who understand her delicious, complex and deep Chaos. It's just like that tsunami in Japan. If we were such clever little naked apes, we would have been able to predict such events by now. But no. Instead we limp forward with a hierarchical social structure, as opposed to a more natural fractal one, and we wonder why the world is so screwed up. I hope Gaia does destroy us. We have had time to evolve, and still we understand nothing. CEOs and politicians can hide out in their bunkers for a good little orgy when the time comes, but no one will be spared. And perhaps only nature herself knows the profound ugly truth, that peace on earth means no people in the final analysis. I wish for a deep peace and regeneration for the planet. As for the human race? We've been given a fair chance, and aside from a choice few enlightened souls, all we could come up with is feudalism, slavery, korporate kulture, the police state, militarism, patriarchy and rape of the planet and each other? To hell with it all. I mean, seriously now. We sure have done everything in our power to earn a booby prize from the real powers that be as the most useless and self-destructive race in the universe... ever.

PS, Crapple. I almost forgot. A little nature lesson for you. Jaguar spirit is not on your side, not by a long shot, even though you name every damn one of your operating system upgrades after a different manifestation of her. What's next? Panther? Shame on you. Really. If only she knew, she'd finish you off right quick, like the poor fellow in that scene from Apocalypto... Seriously, you're worse than those military fucktards stealing the name 'Apache' for their brutish machines. Yeah, I'm sure the Apache are thrilled to bits about that one. Why can't you just name the different versions 'Soul-sucker 1.0, 2.0,' etc.? At least be honest for a change, eh? I guess in the end, most Americans could care less about such disgusting and tasteless marketing tactics, so they just jump in that new Jeep 'Cherokee' and ride off into the sunset oblivious, like the bloody awful rednecks they truly are.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love to Michael Moore! Calling ABC out on 'Permalancers'

Thank God for Michael! Very few people have the balls these days to call out corporations on their extreme abuses and total disregard of the most basic of employee rights. The scary thing is, the government no longer looks at any of these abuses as being much of a big deal. That's a very dark development, if you dare think about it. What's next? Labor camps?! Hey Obama... thanks for nothing mate. For fuck's sake man, the government very nearly averted a total shutdown recently, and all because corporations refuse to pay taxes. But hey, I'm sure that will all be fixed when Obama sits down to another fancy luncheon with the Chamber of Commerce. He's a smooth talker alright, but never for the people who elected him.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stockbrokers! You are MOST HATED! Hahahahaha! Congratulations, losers!

I found a wonderful post on 'Best of Craigslist' today:

Wonderful for its sheer lack of political correctness!

Here's the best bit:

"I especially hate stockbrokers, you disgusting bottomfeeding date rapists extraordinaire. I loathe your cheesy attitudes, your raging coke addictions and your Madonna Whore Complexes. You're dying to fuck ME, Little Miss Princess of the Working Class but you'd NEVER haul my ass out to the Hamptons, would you??? No, I'm just your local bartender pouring drinks down your fucking fat necks and taking your hoping-for-sex tips. Fuck you. We ALL fucking hate your asses."

Fanfrickintastic! I love it! Is there anything more true today? Just watch the documentary 'Inside Job,' and it all becomes even more clear. There's a lengthy bit dedicated to the coke and prostitute addictions of Wall Street execs. Thank God someone was brave enough to just say it as it is. We need more of that to be sure. Oh and by the way, the only place for CEOs and their ilk in my opinion, is in a landfill. Bite me, fuckers!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Murkans and their beloved korporate police state

Alas, it seems my blog is finally getting some attention. I'd love to think it's all thanks to my wit and charm, but interestingly, something even better may be at play here. I think Americans are FINALLY beginning to understand that korporate Murka does not in fact have their best interests at heart. It's beyond tragic that it took a whiplash of a recession that tossed them and their families out into the street and onto food stamps for them to finally get it. But perhaps waiting until the situation is ridiculously dire is more a human trait than a purely Murkan one.

Myself? I don't really consider myself a real citizen of this inscrutable country. I was born here, yes, but hardly stayed long enough to become a korporate drone. My family whisked me off to the fertile fields of Italia when I was all of 12 years old. And what did I learn there? I learned that it's ok to be human. Really! It's alright! It's perfectly fine to have friends old and young, to have an impossibly long meal while chatting with said amici and to have something in your life besides the j.o.b., not to mention my now incredibly refined palate and knowledge of fine wines. Ha! ;) At any rate, that's what living is to me. I want to be gloriously human and spectacularly flawed, like an included gemstone. I want to do more than sit in a stale old office, cowering under and answering to 'The Man.'

Though I have little in common with Murkans, aside from my fellow San Franciscans who also enjoy the gastronomical delights, I do want them to find a lasting happiness with a touch of the authentic. Otherwise, why bother living at all? To them, I highly recommend Henry Miller's 'The Air-Conditioned Nightmare.' In it, they will discover what was and still is wrong with this country. In fact, I have a theory that his books were banned in his time not due to the erotic content (which was sometimes considerable) but because he dared criticize the home of the brave. I don't see it that way at all. I think if you're at all patriotic, you will be willing to figure out what is undesirable in your beloved homeland if you truly do care for it and its people. Henry was one such deeply patriotic and respectful individual. Listen to him! What he has to say is still very much relevant. Forgo a trip to the mall, and read that book! Or just about any book, for that matter...

And as for me again, I may just use my Canadian citizenship at some point, because I still find Murka a tad too korporate for my delicate palate to tolerate. Hmm... it tastes a bit acrid, like... printer toner! I hear my fellow Canucks also know how to live it up. They are the loft party, folks! Perhaps some day, America will be the groovy basement party. Somehow I doubt it, as CEO worship is still very much a pandemic here. I remain stuck for the moment, as I still owe Uncle Sam a ridiculous sum in taxes from my toxic permatemp stint at Crapple. My family is also here and I just can't abandon them to a hostile korporate continent. Un giorno, amici miei, un giorno...

Some music for the soul...

I also highly recommend Henry Miller's essay 'The Staff of Life,' if you think I may be on to something where his criticisms of the US are concerned. Find it here.

"Earning a living has nothing to do with living."

- Henry Miller