Sunday, February 10, 2019

All hail the Dynamex ruling!!!

I can't believe I missed this! Apparently, something good did happen in 2018!

A victory for Permatemps everywhere

Dynamex, Dynamex, a word that is now heaven to my ears. I think this is a real victory for the middle class (what is left of it) and it proves that at least some people in high places have a sense of justice and are responsible, concerned citizens. High tech never intended to play fair, and someone has just given it a huge dose of its own medicine.

I never thought I would see this day. This has enormous implications for possible retroactive lawsuits against companies that abused permatemps in the recent past. Also, we may all see companies like Uber being forced to convert contractors to employee status, with benefits.

See, if you stick around long enough, believe the right thing will be done, and that justice will come to pass, you get pleasant surprises like this. It certainly has returned some of the faith in humanity that I had lost years ago...

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